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“Amateur Radio Community Service”

P O Box 75

Paintsville, KY. 41240

Minutes for Meeting

February 1, 2024 Thursday


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.

We said the pledge of allegiance and had prayer by Dave Heintzelman.

Virgil Ferguson read the minutes for the previous meeting.

Austin  Denyer read the treasurer report and reported the current balance

There was (25) in attendance.

 A repeater update was given by Ken Robinson about the Inez repeaters being off the air , So Paul AK4U is supposed to go and check it out . Also a discussion for a new Repeater site was in the progress.  2 sites are in site one location is in Flat Gap fire tower & second is in Morgan county KY.

Frank Wells reported that the Friendship net that there was 927 check ins for February. Total to date this year, is 1804 and so far, March has a total of 198 .

Our club Hamfest is set for September 26th 2024 at the Paintsville REC. center.

Dayton Hamfest will be May 17th - 2024.

Ron Grossl NT4W gave his contest report working 52 countries 5 watts QRP , Virgil reports working POTA and showing that you can work all states in a month. And Richard KN4BVP presented FL Digi.

Our club is planning a POTA activation April 20th 2024, weather permitting & on March Thursday 14th we are planning to be on 80m for a emergency test net @ 8:00pm. More info to come on the friendship net.

Motion made to adjourn @ 8:38. Our next meeting will be 04/04/2024 @ Mayo Methodist Church in Paintsville @ 7:00 pm 73’s fer Now . (Hope to see you on the Airwaves )



President : Rich Salisbury, KO4BVP
Vice President : Ken Robinson, K4KBR
Treasurer :Austin Denyer, W4ALD
Secretary :Virgil Ferguson ,K4CUP